Lake Lowering Alert from

Beaches and Docks!


Don Kuhn, Beaches and Docks Chair, alerts all that the lake will be lowered approximately six feet starting April 1 to allow Chris Backshall to get in with equipment to dredge below the diving board.  The work should take only a day or two and will involve pulling sand from the lake that has shifted from the beach.  Depending on the condition of the sand, it may be necessary to top dress the beach with fresh sand.


Don will distribute a notice to all lakeside residents in case they want to plan any maintenance on their docks.


Please also note the new guidelines for boats and docks that are posted on the MKL Web site.


Beach Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 9, with rain date set for May 16th. Save the dates!




Country Club
Meeting Date in June!

The annual meeting of the Mt Kemble Lake Country Club will take place at the Clubhouse on Friday, June 12. Please contact Club board members if you are interested in volunteering for a position on the board.  


Please also contact Karen Sabol if you have ideas for parties or want to volunteer! The Talent Show and April Surprise events for March and April are currently on hold.

Electric Dryer Available


The Sabols have an electric dryer available. Call (973) 425 0285 for details.




Jacket Still Missing!


The jacket that went missing after the October TGIF has still not been found. Please contact Betty D’Esterhazy if you know the whereabouts of a Polar-Tec black fleece jacket with blue stripe inside collar. It belongs to a Club guest from the New Vernon Rescue Squad. Check your closets for duplicates!





Treasurer’s Link


The email for Mt Kemble Lake treasury business is:


Bob Yingling, Treasurer, can also be reached at



and by phone at (973) 425-1192.




MKL Web Site


Check the Web site for photos of the recent parties, etc., at the Lake.  Log on using the following link and passwords!


Login: mklresident
Password: 425.

Power Outages Survived!


The Lake experienced its longest power outage in  31 years after the windstorm that swept through Morris County on February 12. Power went out Thursday and was not fully restored until Saturday evening. (Some power was restored by Friday night at 6 pm, but not all were so lucky.)


An emergency generator was brought in to the pump house to assure that water would continue to be provided and the water tanks wouldn’t run dry. Thanks to our Water Committee overseer Bill Manser for looking out for our community welfare.




Pipes Update

Lakeshore expended $118,000 on repairs to pipes, valves and a pump in the last two years and also reimbursed the Association for $45,000 in dam/dredge expenses.  Lakeshore's cash will also be decreasing in the future as a result  starting to pay down the dam/dredge loan. Lakeshore's cash will be very low in 3-4 years without any adjustment in its fees. In addition, Lakeshore needs to build a reserve of about $100,000 to cover anticipated replacement of some additional pipes over the next several years. The Lakeshore board will be evaluating this situation in concert with the new Finance Committee that the Association Board is forming to develop a long-range funding strategy for the lake.

Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the newsletter: 973 425 4088 or
