Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

June 2009


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                     Nancy Priscu*

Treasurer                    Bob Yingling*

Asst. Treasurer          Cliff Bridge

Beaches & Docks      Don Kuhn

Clubhouse                   Bettina Bierly

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Diane Bonar

House Maintenance    Bruce Scolnick

Roads                         Gail Chalfant

Water                         Rick Barrett


* Lakeshore Co. Board Members




Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Ruth Chaney

Treasurer                    David Dietz

Bar Chair                   Mick Merenda

Social Chair               Karen Sabol


Coming Events



· June 19….Country Club Annual Meeting and TGIF           

· July 4  …..Fourth of July  Events and Party

· August  ?…..TGIF

· Sept 5?……Labor Day Party

· Sept ??….TGIF


?? Call Karen Sabol to volunteer!!







Sandy Weber Remembered

The community lost a vivacious presence when Sandy lost her 13-year battle with cancer on May 19.  A resident of Lake Trail East since 1984 , Sandy was active in many community doings throughout her many years here at Mt Kemble Lake.


See the Web for more details about Sandy’s life.  Contributions to the NYU Cancer Institute can be made in Sandy’s name either online or by calling 212 404 3640.


Beach Excavation Successful!

The lake was dropped four feet to allow for dredging under the diving board at the main beach. This was done under a permit issued by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The valves were opened on April 7 and closed on April 10. The dredging brings the depth of the water under the diving board to State regulation (12 feet). The underside of the platform and support poles were painted while the Lake was lowered.

Chris Backshall performed the dredging (with Diane Bonar’s assistance, see above!)and also pulled sand out of the lake across the width of the beach. Beach cleanup was held May 9th and the sand was beachcombed for foreign objects. Bushes were trimmed and a brick pad was laid for the picnic table. Don Kuhn thanks Mark Qualben for assuring that the platform was level, and thanks all those who turned out to make the beach cleanup a success! (See the Web site for more great photos!)




Dues Schedule Reminder

Treasurer Bob Yingling reminds residents  that the Community dues schedules are as follows:

Lakeshore Company: $500 due in January and July

Mt Kemble Lake Association: $925 due in March and September


Email Bob at to receive your dues notices by email (if you haven’t already made this arrangement.)