Association Committee Formed


A committee composed of Mary Van Kirk, Rick Barrett, Gail Allyn and Lori Denson has been formed with the task of recommending bylaw changes that would make the election process for the combined Lakeshore and Association more clear. If anyone else in the community would like to suggest changes to the bylaws, they are encouraged to contact a committee member. The committee will then make recommendations to the Board. Any proposed changes will be voted on at the next annual meeting to be held in January 2010.



Beach Badges for 2009
Have Arrived!

Don Kuhn, Beaches Chair, distributed beach badges and reminds all to wear them. Please also read the accompanying flyers and share them with your families to assure a safe beach season for all!



Don’t Forget Country Club
Meeting Date in June!

The annual meeting of the Mt Kemble Lake Country Club will take place at the Clubhouse on Friday, June 19. Please contact Club board members if you are interested in volunteering for a position on the board.  




Treasurer’s Link


The email for Mt Kemble Lake treasury business is:

Bob Yingling, Treasurer, can also be reached by phone at (973) 425-1192.

Roads Report


Another road cleanup has come and gone! Spring Clean-up took place Saturday, April 18th.

The Clubhouse grounds were raked and picked up front and back. The playground was raked and the mat under the rubber chips was cut and straightened below the play equipment. Diane Bonar of Grounds will replace the tire and redo the rubber chips.

The parking lot was raked and trimmed. The two drains at the Fire Lane on LTW were cleaned out as well as the two leading into the lake.  All remaining drains along the roads were cleaned out. Com-munity plots were tended and brush and debris along LTE was trimmed and blown.

Chair Gail Chalfant thanks her committee for a wonderful job supplying coffee, donuts, water and a delicious lunch. They include Cacky Bell, Carl Bonar, Jane Dwyer, Carol Irving, Theresa and Ray Jones, Jane Roland and Bruce Scolnick.

See the Web site for photos of Roads Cleanup, courtesy of Ray and Theresa Jones and Webmaster Dwyer!

Summer Roads Patrol volunteers should contact Gail.


MKL Web Site


Check the Web site for photos of the recent parties, etc., at the Lake.  Log on using the following link and passwords!


Login: mklresident
Password: 425.

Water Committee Report


The VSA dinner was held May 2—thanks again to Bobbi Coulter, who was honored with a gift for her 10th anniversary of feting our volunteers!

Thanks also to Guy Bowden for replacing the door on well house #2.

The Committee provided its 20-year capital projections report to the Financial Development Committee.

The bi-annual dam inspection was completed with Chris Allyn's help. Vegetation was removed from the dam.

                                  —Rick Barrett




Clubhouse Maintenance


1.  All gutters have been cleaned.

2.  A 12'X5' slab of cement has been installed under the garbage containers.

3.  New cedar garbage containers have been delivered and put in place. 

4.  A new flagstone walk has been installed from the side steps to the driveway.

5.  New lighting was installed to cover side steps and garbage containers.

6.  Most of the heating pipes in the basement have been insulated.

Sometime in the next month the  new garbage containers will be painted with a stain and sealer.
                          —Bruce Scolnick

Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the newsletter: 973 425 4088 or
