Welcome, New (and Returning) Residents!


Welcome to our newer arrivals, who  include Jody Mead and Michael DeLucia, who recently moved into the former Weber house on Lake Trail East; Colleen and John Roberts, who are moving this week into the former Wawczak house on Lake Trail West at Elm Trail.  Please also welcome Joe and Joanne Tesi, who are soon to begin their renovations to the former Reusser house on Lake Trail West; we look forward to watching the transformation!  Tawnya Kabnik is returning to her home on Beach Trail, and Alison and Feilim Maxwell are the new arrivals in the Standings house on Lake Trail West. A warm welcome  to our community!



Nominations to Association Board Invited

The Association will be sending out notification that nominations to the Board are being received.  If you’re interested in serving in any capacity, please send your “self-nomination” to Nancy Priscu, Association Secretary.



Sally Curtiss tending bar


Dog Park Proposed


Grounds Chair Diane Bonar is looking into a proposal to build a Dog Park for MKL canines.  A possible location is next to the basketball/parking area alongside the tennis courts. Information is being gathered for costs, operating regulations, maintenance issues, and so on.

An informational meeting will be held at the Clubhouse for discussion by anyone interested in this proposal. Look for the announcement in your mailboxes!





Water System Note


Lakeshore will be upgrading its monitoring equipment for the water tanks this fall. This will help ensure that we have a reliable water supply and will reduce service calls.


                                  —Rick Barrett





Roads Parking Alert!


Please remember to limit your own and your guests’ parking to the Lake side of the roads. Also, please be considerate not to block driveway access when parking.

There is to be NO parking on Beach and Elm Trails, as this poses a safety hazard for emergency vehicles. Our roads and fire lanes must be kept clear at all times.
















Chefs Susan & Austin Godfrey at the Lobster Bash




Dues Schedule Reminder

Email Bob Yingling at mkltreasurer@gmail.com to receive your dues notices by email.

Bob reminds residents that the Community dues schedules are as follows:

Lakeshore Company: $500 due in January and July.

Mt Kemble Lake Association: $925 due in March and September.
Please use the 3 Trails End mailbox for remitting dues.



MKL Web Site


Check the Web site for photos of recent parties and events at the Lake.  Log on using the following link and passwords:


Login: mklresident
Password: 425.

Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the newsletter: 973 425 4088 or e-mail: waffcoe@aol.com