TAKE NOTICE that on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 8:00 p.m., the Harding Township Board of Health will conduct a public hearing in the Municipal Building located at 21 Blue Mill Road, New Vernon NJ 07976, to consider the application of Ms. Marybeth Garry. The application involves property known as Lot 6 in Block 44 of the Harding Township Tax Map and is located at 40 Lake Trail East. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the subject property and create one new lot for the construction of a new home. The applicant is requesting the following waivers from the Harding Township Code:

1.                 Harding Code Section 149-28 requires certain minimum setback distances from the disposal system components that exceed the New Jersey State Health Code (N.J.A.C. 7:9A) standards.

Harding Township Code requires the minimum setback distance from a building to a septic tank be 25 ft. whereas the applicant is proposing a distance of 10ft. for the new lot. The existing septic tank on the remainder lot is 6 ft. from the building.

Harding Township Code requires the minimum setback distance from a building to the disposal field to be 40 ft. whereas the applicant is proposing a distance of 25 ft. for the new lot. The existing disposal field on the remainder lot is 8 ft. from the building.

Harding Township Code requires the minimum setback distance from a property line to the disposal field to be 25 ft. whereas the applicant is proposing a distance of 10 ft. for the new· lot. The existing disposal field on the remainder lot will be 12 ft. from the proposed lot line.

2.                 Harding Code Section 149-29 requires the minimum disposal field size to be increased by 25% over the State Health Code standard. The applicant is proposing a disposal field that is in accordance with the State Health Code standard for the new lot and has not been increased by 25%. The existing septic system for the remainder lot was constructed prior to the current Harding Township Code and does not provide a 25% increase.

3.                 Harding Code Section 149-30 requires a disposal field reserve expansion/replacement disposal area. The applicant is not proposing a reserve expansion/replacement disposal area for either the new lot or the remainder lot.

The applicant will also be seeking such other variances and approvals as the Board deems necessary in order to grant the application as proposed.

The application and supporting documents have been filed and may be inspected at the office of the Board of Health in the Township municipal offices located at 21 Blue Mill Road, New Vernon NJ 07976, Monday through Friday during regular business hours. You may appear either in person, or by agent or attorney, and participate in said hearing in accordance with the rules of the Board of Health.