Fall Cleanup
November 20, 2010
Photos Courtesy of Ray Jones & Terry Dwyer
Captions by  Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
The Crew at Work ...
<------ Red Coat Club ------>
Jane Dwyer (l) and Jayne Roland (r)
Very Preppy:
coordinated coat and rake
Notice Densons in background
... escaping work
More signs than
for NYC street parking!
Terry Dwyer (l) and
Bob Yingling ...
(what's he champion of?)
B: "When I catch that squirrel
I'll cut off his ..."
<----- On the hunt for ... ----->
Bettina Bierly (l) and Nancy Barrett(r)
N: "oops ... I think
you cut the telephone line .."
Sit down strike?
Movie star Roe Bowden
performing her part ...
John Hall hiding leaves
under canoes ...
Dave Denson supervising
Chris Allyn's work ...
Dave Denson still supervising ...
this time it's
Jody Mead
Dave Clark (r) sweeping
leaves under carpet ...
Ken Heiden corralling sticks ...
Tawnya Kabnick protected
from killer leaves ...
Instructional raking:
Gavin Lukacs (c) shows
Chris Allyn (l) and Tim Lukacs (r)
how to do it!
Time for Lunch!
Chef Carl Bonar (r)
discusses food prep with
Theresa Jones (l) and Carol Irving (c)
Carl giving orders to his staff ...
... and checking on customers ...
Jody Mead (l) and Joyce Murray (r),
who appears overwhelmed by the menu
Alison & Felim Maxwell preparing for
a quiet lunch ...
oops ... son Ewan decides they need
some company ...
Ahhh ... now we know what
Bob Yingling is Champion of ...
Clash of the Tartans?
Gail Allyn (l) and Bob Gray (r)
Crew done for the day ...
ready for a nap ...
see you next year!
Jane Dwyer (r) crowns Gail Chalfant (l)
Queen of the Roads
Gail just loves her tiara and sash ...
she plans to sleep in them ...
... but she is overcome with grief
when Carl tell her she still
has to do the dishes ....
Photographer Ray Jones and his wife
Theresa ...
thanks Ray for all the great shots!