"Sing for Your Supper" TGIF
February 26, 2010
Photos and Captions Courtesy of
Terry Dwyer

click on photos to ENLARGE
Dave Clark (l) and Craig Curtiss (r) :
"This should get them in  a singing mood!"
Diane Bonar plays her
Iphone for the crowd
... with a tough song!
Gil Fitzhugh takes to the floor ...
Some of the Night's
Entertaining Entertainment
Host Sally Curtiss gets
things going ....
With its depression era theme of entertaining for your
supper ...
this TGIF was unique, sometimes risque and delicious!
Ken "The Raven" Heiden recites
Edgar Allen Poe's "Nevermore"
Don Kuhn remembering hoboes at the
back door during the depression
Gourmet Hooverville Fare