Wildlife report...migration at Mt. Kemble Lake

(Mt. Kemble Lake, AP Report)
Three very happy little hoodies are enjoying the crisp temperatures (but much warmer and more hospitable than Newfound Lake, NH and Newfoundland(different places)) and brisk breezes.
They are diving from time to time seeking succulent little morsels swimming by. I believe they are discussing whether the occasional flurries portend the coming weather. The Canadian geese seen taking off in formation earlier have allowed these little guys to have a respite from the loud honking serenade. One swimming right past me now is displaying his full fan/crown/head feathers. The other female and male are in hot pursuit. Perhaps they are following a school of fish. The raptor seen earlier is now out of sight, and the heron who skims the top of the lake most days may have taked haven from the breezes. Squirrels brazenly hiding nuts. (Squirrel looking straight in lovely fire in fireplace wondering how to get an invite.