Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

March 2010


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                     Nancy Priscu*

Treasurer                    Bob Yingling*

Beaches & Docks      Don Kuhn

Clubhouse                   Joyce Murray

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Diane Bonar

House Maintenance    Bruce Scolnick

Roads                         Gail Chalfant

Water                         Rick Barrett

*Lakeshore Co. Board Members


Meetings are open to all residents! Please call a Board member for details.
Next meetings:

Monday, Mar 8, 7:30 pm

Monday, Apr. 5, 7:30 pm

Monday, May. 3, 7:30 pm

Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Nicole Bridge

VP/Treasurer           David Dietz

Bar Chair                   Mick Merenda

Social Chair               Karen Sabol


Coming Events
Save the dates!



· Mar 6….Dog Park Discussion

· Mar19…St Patrick’s Day  theme

· Apr 2….History TGIF Party

· Apr 3….Kids’ Easter Egg  Party

· Apr 17…Road Cleanup

· May 8….Beach Cleanup

· May 28…Family Memorial Day          TGIF           

Association Board Committees Seek Volunteers!

Check out the list of committees in the banner column at left. All these committees welcome volunteers to carry our their missions. If you’d like to help with Grounds work, Call Diane at 973 425 2580 to volunteer. To help Gail on Roads, call 973 425 9319. For helping with Beaches and Docks call Don at 973 425 1160. Remember, we are a volunteer-run community and appreciate all the help we can get to keep it running in good order!

A Moose for All Seasons!

Mt Kemble Lakers rang in the New Decade under the watchful eye of the Moose at the Clubhouse on New Year’s Eve. Carl & Diane Bonar chaired the sumptuous Champagne Brunch event and oversaw a gala celebration. Thanks to all who came out to help keep this annual party tradition alive and well! Log onto the Mt. Kemble Lake Web site to find photos of the celebration!


If you missed Fall Cleanup, don’t miss Spring Cleanup!

Social Chair Karen Sabol
Welcomes Volunteers for
Party Events!
The recently-updated Social Calendar shows still a few empty spaces for Events that could use your help! Chairing and/or participating on a committee is not only fun but also rewarding as a contribution to the ongoing well-being of our Community. Call Karen with your ideas and she can help you put together a committee for the party of your dreams! 973 425 2990