Country Club Board
****** Roads Cleanup November 20th Our summer season has come to a close and I want to thank the diligent MKL Summer Road Patrol for all the time and effort put forth. Many thanks to Bill Manser, the Burds, Qualbens, Sullivans, Chaneys, Heidens, Kuchlers, Densons, Merendas, Bonars, Baumgartens, Duffys, Edgars, and D'esterhazys. Thank you all so very much.
Please be mindful of our children now that school is open. We have many little ones about! (A bumper clop of little Lakers started Kindergarten this fall!)
A reminder that on Halloween, part of the hill on Primrose will be closed as in the past.
For the Road Cleanup, please prepare your own property ahead of time; that way the 20th can be devoted to Lake properties.
Good food for lunch again this fall.......Carl Bonar will be in the kitchen!!
Thanks everyone, I could not do this alone. —-Your Roads Chairperson, Gail S. Chalfant Check the web site for photos from past Road Cleanups to see how much fun we all have!
History Room Collection
As you consider donating items to the New Vernon Auction, consider what may be interesting memorabilia for our Mt. Kemble Lake History Collection. Anyone with items for the MKL collection is asked to call Joyce Murray (425 0646) or Chris Allyn (425 1246), who will be happy to pick them up, catalogue them, and add them to our displays!
Volunteers Wanted!
Watch for the announcement soon in your mailboxes requesting volunteers to serve on our Association Board for the upcoming terms of office. Among the posts we will need to fill are Beaches & Docks and Roads, both so important to our Community’s well-being. Our thanks to Don Kuhn and Gail Chalfant for their excellent leadership in these posts over the past several years! Thanks also to our secretary, Nancy Priscu, for her years of service to the Association Board!
Environmental Stewardship Committee
Thanks to Chris Allyn, Nancy Barrett, Joan Baumgarten, Jane Kendall, and Jody Mead for volunteering to work on this important Board sub-committee. Any others who wish to be involved, please let Barbara Coe know. We hope to meet early in the fall to plan our agenda.
Flu Shots for Seniors!
On Tuesdays Oct. 19 and Oct. 26, the Harding Health Department is offering free flu shots for Harding Residents, 65 years old and older. No appointments needed—just come to Kirby Hall Municipal Building between 9:00 and 11:00 am.
Dues Schedule Reminder
Lakeshore Company: $500 due in January and July Mt Kemble Lake Association: $925 due in March and September Email Bob at to receive your dues notices by email. ****** MKL Web Site
Check the Web site for photos of the recent parties, plus other updated Lake information. Log on using the following link and passwords: Login: mklresident
You can even check out a weather forecast, thanks to John Murray! |
Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the newsletter: 425 4088 or e-mail: |