(Notice to Property Owners / Newspaper Publication)

Township of Harding

Morris County, New Jersey


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Thurdsay, Oct 21          ,2010 , at 7:30 P.M. at

the Harding Township Municipal Building, Blue Mill Road, New Vernon, NJ, a public hearing will be held by the

[  ] Planning Board

         [X] Board of Adjustment


to consider the application of Gloria + Michael Gengos   , whose address


          PO Box 361, New Vernon, NJ, 07976   , for the following development approvals


[ ] Minor Subdivision

[ ] Minor Site Plan        

[ ] Major Subdivision [ ] Preliminary [ ] Final

[ ] Major Site Plan [ ] Preliminary [ ] Final

[ ] Special Flood Hazard Development Permit

[X] Zoning Variance(s) or exception(s) as follows:

          Ordinance Section(s): 105 – 137F

          Type of Variance(s):    sideyard setback

          Extent of Variance(s): < two feet

          [ ] Other relief as follows:


The indicated approvals are requested to permit the applicant(s) to:

Increase the height of the structure along the line of encroachment by modifying the roof pitch to increase the length of the structure by an addition of approx. 8 feet.

on property known as Block 35     and Lot(s)

21.03 and located on

125 Glen Alpin Road, New Vernon


All other applications, including any supporting plans and other documents, are public records and may be inspected in the Office of the Secretary to the Board at the Harding Township Municipal Building, Blue Mill Road between the hours of 8:30 AM. and 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. At the public hearing, members of the public may appear in person, or through an attorney, and ask questions, give evidence or make a statement concerning this application.


Name and Address of Applicant (or Attorney for Applicant)

Gloria and Michael Gengos

PO Box 361

New Vernon, NJ 07976