Mt. Kemble Lake Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting – January 28, 2011


The annual meeting of the Mt. Kemble Lake Association, Inc. was held on January 28, 2011 at the Clubhouse.  The meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm by President Austin Godfrey.


Board Members Present:  Rick Barrett, Diane Bonar, Gail Chalfant, Barbara Coe, Austin Godfrey, Don Kuhn, Joyce Murray, Nancy Priscu, Bruce Scolnick and Bob Yingling.


The Secretary indicated that a quorum of 87 shareholders was present or represented via proxies.


Although copies were not readily available, a motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from last years’ meeting as they are available on the MKL website.


Detailed reports by the Committee Chairs may be viewed on the website:


Following are the committee reports as presented at the meeting:


Beaches and Docks: presented by Don Kuhn

·        Beach clean up brought out about 40 residents on May 8 to prepare beach for Memorial Day weekend.

·        With help from Ken Heiden, the float line at the main beach was replaced with a new line.  Original floats were spliced in.

·        The floating dock at the east beach was replaced with Connect-a-dock components like those of the two diving platforms.

·        Badges and related swimming and boating rules and safety recommendations distributed to all residents

·        Throughout the summer, the beach was much tidier than in some past years.

·        No beach closings; all weekly water tests were in desirable ranges

·        Only one algaecide treatment was necessary during the summer

·        Weed growth on the east and west sides of the lake nearest the breeder pond continued to be a problem. Two applications of herbicide were necessary to suppress weeds.

·        The lagoon was dredged in late November with the spoils being dumped in the ball field. The bank adjacent to Trails End (input end of the lagoon) was seriously eroded with a gully running from the road into the lagoon. This was rebuilt with rock-filled earth, clay, and a layer of large riprap. Large stones were placed along the road to alert drivers.  After the ground thaws, reflectors will be put in place also.   

·        Skating safety instructions were distributed in late December.


Beaches and Docks Committee:

Kris Alvey

Nancy Barrett

Roe Bowden

Bill Canada

Terry Dwyer

Mark Qualben

Don Kuhn, Chair



Roads: presented by Gail Chalfant

·        Our first major snow event was on February 25th of 2010; Chris Backshall who handles our plowing did a good job. 

·        After some discussion and research it was decided by the board that it is not necessary to close the roads every five years, which had been done in the past.

·        Mid April, I had Action Tree Service, Inc. take down and remove one oak tree that was leaning dangerously close to the boat dock on LTW……I also had them prune several branches on a spruce tree that were hanging over the bench that residents sit on to enjoy our lake.

·        Our Spring Clean-up was Saturday, April 17th; the turnout was very good and the lake looked great after the winter debris was cleared out.

·        Summer Road patrol went very smoothly this year….no incidents and residents swapped off as needed to provide coverage from May 31st through September 5th, this year.  I am grateful for the time and energy extended by these volunteers.

·        During the summer several potholes were repaired and have held up very well and I might add that the ones done in previous years are still just fine.

·        Halloween brought the usual closing of Primrose to Beach Road……I asked that residents and their friends be aware of limited parking.

·        Fall Clean-up was Saturday, November 20th.  We had a banner turnout with over seventy residents participating (many families).  So much was accomplished, as happens each cleanup…..drains cleaned out, debris raked out around the club house and mutually owned properties.  Chris Backshall and his crew literally picked up or chopped everything within one and a half days due to impending rains, and the lake looked great!

·        Following Fall Clean-up, I had Chris Backshall regrade the Fire Lane on LTW near the beach.  It was badly rutted due to rain runoff.

·        There is still an active issue regarding drainage across from the beach which has not been completed due our weather conditions.

·        We had our first big snow just after Christmas.  Having the MKL web site has been a terrific asset to the community.  I have been able through the web site and email to address most residents; asking that vehicles be removed from the roads and to use it as an informational tool.  My thanks to Karen Sabol and Terry Dwyer for their cooperation.

·        This is not a job you do by yourself; I have been supported by my committee: Cacky Bell, Carl and Diane Bonar, Jane Dwyer, Carol Irving, Theresa and Ray Jones, Jane Roland and Bruce Scolnick


Gail thanked the community for the opportunity to be Roads Chairperson.



Grounds: presented by Diane Bonar 

·        This year consisted mostly of upkeep and general maintenance.  Thanks go out to my committee consisting of Jayne Roland, Nancy Barrett and Charlie Priscu.

·        Also I would like to thank several homeowners in the community who had tree work done on their own property and adjacent community property (with permission of course) and paid for the entire job.    There may be others & I’m sorry if I have missed you, but thanks go to Dave Clark, Jennifer Siegler, the Murrays, and the Merendas (for the bus stop tree). Also, John & Joyce helped me with the chain saw several other times with trees that had fallen, one being across the Frigerios’ driveway and another one at the dog park.

·        I know there are others of you, including Ken Heiden, who do various things around the community that I don’t know about, so thank you for your efforts and hard work as well.

·        Dave Clark also worked on the playground equipment this year.  He called the pest control operator to take care of the carpenter bees and followed up those efforts with filling in holes the bees had made. 

·        One thing I would like for you to think about, there are several areas in the community that would be enhanced by benches. We had 2 benches down at the playground area, but somehow over the years they have been destroyed.  I would like to consider benches that are virtually indestructible and incapable of being moved.  If you know of a bench that might be appropriate & affordable, please let me know.


Several residents expressed concern that there is a vandalism problem in the community.  Barbara Coulter stated she would be willing to discreetly work with residents to solve this issue.


Gail Chalfant asked the Board to consider offering residents the opportunity to purchase memorials, i.e. benches placed in honor of individuals who have lived here.


Clubhouse Maintenance: presented by Bruce Scolnick

The clubhouse required a number of repairs and upgrades this year. 

·        We started by having the hardwood floors in the main room and bathrooms refinished.  The next project was to panel the foyer of the history room which included a new ceiling and lighting.

·        To help the country club we added locks to the cabinets behind the bar so the liquor can be stored and also installed an ice machine in the bar area.

·        New hand railings were installed on the stairs to the outside deck and some cement repairs were done to the front steps and lower landing.

·        A new sink and vanity with mixer valves was installed in the men’s bathroom.

·        We upgraded the sound system by relocating the equipment to a rack cabinet, adding a mixer and new amplifier, installing a set of microphone jacks and tying in all of the existing equipment (wireless mic, cassette player, CD player and jack for an Ipod).

·        The last project was to extend the rain leaders so that the water runoff goes away from the building and hopefully will stop the basement from flooding.

·        The committee met and created a task list for upcoming projects.

·        I would like to acknowledge the committee members who assisted with all the projects this year.  They are Guy Bowden, Terry and Jane Dwyer, John and Joyce Murray and Jane Roland.


Housekeeping: presented by Joyce Murray


Housekeeping chores are an open door policy

Taking that lightly could prove a big fallacy

Sixty times throughout the year

Would you mind coming down? Could you be here?

To check on the dishes, what can be used,

Empty the cooler, remove the booze? (thank you Mick).


Not  just toilet paper, plates, napkins and foil

Products for use with which to toil,

Front door frustration , and how to unlock it.

Light bulb sizes for each different socket.


A booklet created and kept in a drawer

For care and maintaining and an awful lot more

Like passing inspections, local and state

When they were held and what was the date.

And warranties for the cooler and vac

And other appliances similar to that.


Housekeeping chores are an open door policy

Opening the door for the Associated Fire Protection inspection

Opening the door  for the State Fire protection inspection

Opening the door for Ludlow Heating and Cooling

Opening the door for Dublin Maintenance

Opening the door for Humphrey (Bug check)

Opening the door for the rentals such as  weddings an anniversary,

a 50ieth reunion, and private affairs,

Opening the door,  opening the door,  opening the door.



·        The  Housekeeping Committee is responsible for facilitating and supporting the use of the Clubhouse for all Clubhouse events. The Committee is responsible for the decor and general condition and appearance of the Clubhouse and for soliciting suggestions from the Membership regarding these responsibilities. The Committee ensures the cleanliness of the facilities after use and the stocking of regular supplies to support rental, social and other special events. Gail Allyn is the supreme purchaser of such goods. (Thank you, Gail and John Murray who is willing to drive and schlep all the goods.)

·        Renters are given a pre-use walk through to familiarize equipment availability as well to document the condition of the Clubhouse prior to the rental and have a post use audit to ensure satisfactory clean-up and damage. 

·        An Inventory of  dish ware, serving utensils, tablecloths, pots and pans, etc. was completed and is posted on the refrigerator.

·        Supervising professional clean-up and providing access for other professional service providers is reflected in the open door policy.

·        It's been a very good year.


Chris Allyn requested that the phone service in the clubhouse be fixed.


Water System: presented by Rick Barrett

The Water Company had no major repair or capital expenses in 2010 so we did better than the budget projected. This is much improved over the prior three years when these categories resulted in added expenses of about $125,000. These types of expenses will again be material in the next several years so Water Company expenses can be anticipated to increase in the near term.


Treasurer’s Report: presented by Austin Godfrey and Bob Yingling

Austin and Bob reviewed MKL Association and Lakeshore financial reports that were distributed during the meeting and responded to questions from members:

·        Chris Allyn questioned the increase in the accounts receivable.    Bob explained that in addition to several more residents being in arrears, the balance included Late Fees, Interest and Legal fees as well as some “catch up” billing of late fees attributable to 2009.  Note:  The 2010 Financial Summary posted on the MKL website was updated to include the components of the increase.

·        An overview was provided on the costs associated with liens.

Upon the request of a resident, the household that have liens were identified since this is a matter of public record.

·        Ellen Marshall questioned the collection of dues from renters i.e. garnishing.  Austin stated that after previous conversations with our lawyers he did not believe this was possible but will once again follow-up on the matter.  Bob pointed out that regardless of the communities rights, it is problematic and expensive to collect receivables and nearly impossible to compel someone to pay; as evidenced by the four unsatisfied liens noted above.

·        Austin and Barbara Coulter will follow-up on a by-law change that will ensure the new owner of a home is responsible to find out about a lien and as well as clearing it up on purchase of the home.  Phil Van Kirk added that the Board should be ever mindful of adjusting expectations and by-laws to protect homeowners.

·        Bob thanked Karen Morrison for her assistance over the last several years.


Other Topics:

Proposed By-Law Changes.  Austin the reviewed the proposed by-law changes which will require a review of financial records by a committee appointed by the board for MKL Association.  Members present voted to unanimously approve the proposed changes.


MKL Association Election: Austin announced the results of the MKL election:  new board members are: Ruth Chaney, Barbara Coulter, Tawyna Kabnick, Tim Lukacs.


Financial Review Committee: Terry Dwyer presented the results of the Financial Review Committee.  Discussion on the presentation followed.  Chris Allyn moved to authorize the board to negotiate terms of easement to resolve essential assessed value in preparation for a special meeting to authorize the easements.   Essentially, the board would negotiate with the Harding Township tax assessor the terms and conditions of permanently easing the Lakeshore property to minimize any property taxes subject to approval by the community per Lakeshore’s by laws for the final applications or documentation.   The motion was seconded by John Murray and approved. 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. 


The Lakeshore Company meeting immediately followed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy Priscu