The board of directors of the Mount Kemble
Lake Association approved the following resolution at the April 4th
In as much as the bylaws of the company require dual signatures on
checks exceeding $1000, and in as much as the company routinely does business
in excess of $1000 w/ the following vendors, and in as much as the company
routinely makes payments and transfers electronically, therefore it is resolved
that inter-company transfers between Mount Kemble
Lake Association and The Lakeshore Company as well as payments to the following
vendors throughout the calendar year 2011 have the defacto
approval of the Board of Directors:
Allied Biological
CW Backshall Landscaping
NJDEP Budget and Finance
Somerset Hills Bank
It is further resolved that the approving signature of a
trustee or director of the company on an invoice presented by any vendor
constitutes a defacto second
"signature" on the subsequent electronic payment of
that invoice. In support of this resolution, the treasurer's monthly
report will list all payments of $1000 and above that have been made to all
vendors since her last report.