Mt. Kemble Lake Association Meeting

June 6, 2011




Present: Ruth Chaney, Barbara Coe, Barbara Coulter, Bruce Scolnick, Austin Godfrey, Joyce Murray, Tawnya Kabnick, Rick Barrett, Diane Bonar

Absent: Tim Lukacs


Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 7:38.


WATER  After the heavy storms water was on the floor of pump house 1. This is not uncommon and it dissipated by the following weekend. The power outage caused pump house 2 to shut down. Thanks to the vigilance of the VSA the shut down was discovered before it caused any problems and a simple flip of the circuit breaker resolved the problem.


ROADS- -  No report 


Grounds: – Several trees have fallen in this spring’s storms. Estimates for the removal of 3 trees are pending. A large branch fell off the tree close to the beach and cones will be put around the tree where other branches look menacing .



HOUSE A “trash only sign” was purchased and the pails are all well marked.  8 new coral table cloths were purchased . Joyce spend a week Power washing and staining the decks and they look great. The Country club currently pays the association $800 per year. The board is looking into why and if this practice needs to continue.


CLUBHOUSE  No report .


BEACHES AND DOCKS- Beach clean up was successful thanks to all of our volunteers. One float by the beach was installed and the other off  lake shore east will go in during next month.

 We are not sure what is creating erosion of the beach. Prices for potential remedies were extremely expensive so it was decided to continue to work on the gullies to funnel the water. The fire lane must be repaired. Two estimates have come in and we are waiting for a third.


COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - There has been some questions about e-mailing the community. Karen Sabol sends out materials to do with the country club and parties while The Community Affairs Chairperson, Barbara Coe sends out information pertaining to the Mt. Kemble Lake Community. The community e-mail list is not to be used for business purposes.  If someone would like to post an event about Harding they can send Terry Dwyer an e-mail to post it on the new about-Harding section on the web page.


TREASURER     - Barbara C. Coulter []

Barbara presented the current balance information (which can be found on the web site).  The balances are in good shape but the insurance policies have a large payment in June and then the balance is paid monthly. The accountant has not completed the Association taxes for the year and a 2nd extension will need to be taken. There will be a tax planning meeting for the coming year scheduled. We need one more volunteer to do the financial review of the 2010 tax year.

There is a schedule for payments as well as late fees and penalties. These fees are designed to encourage payment and are punitive, but not onerous.


Several residents continue to owe dues. Rick suggested we discuss the best way to proceed with the Association’s attorney. The board decided that the President and Secretary have the authority to resolve issues surrounding outstanding balances.




Meeting adjourned at 8:56



Respectfully submitted,




Tawnya Kabnick



Board meetings are scheduled for the following date:

August 29th

September 26th

November 1st

December 5th


Meeting time 7:30