February 28, 2011

7:30 P.M.





February 28, 2011 Mt. Kemble Lake Association meeting






Ruth Chaney



Barbara Coe

Barbara Coulter

Tim Lukacs



Bruce Scolnick



Austin Godfrey



Joyce Murray

Tawnya Kabnick







Absent: Rick Barrett   Diane Bonar 



Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 7:37. 


ROADS- - – Removed a tree that fell across Primrose. Road clean up will be April 30th.


GROUNDS-dianebonar@gmail.comNothing to report.


HOUSE The house was resupplied. The board approved the renting of the clubhouse on June 23, 2011.



CLUBHOUSE  A resident fell this year and lights were requested for under the steps.They were installed.


BEACHES AND DOCKS- The report from Allied biological indicated that another alum is needed.The  Lake is lowered ever 5-6 years  and we are applying to the state to have it lowered this fall. May 14th will be Beach clean up.




COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - The enviornmental committee is working on a report for the community.


TREASURER     - Barbara C. Coulter []

Treasure reported actuals against budget and there were no issues. The bord is going to find members to audit the books as per our new by-laws.




The Lakeshore Company and Mount Kemble Lake Association.  Each resolve that we remove from the list of bank signatories the following people:

Rick Barrett

Bruce Chalfant

William Manser (misspelled in Wachovia's system as Manger)

Ray Negele

Nancy Priscu

and further that we retain as signatories the following officers:

Austin Godfrey - president

Tawnya Kabnick - secretary

Barbara C. Coulter – treasurer


The committee members will submitt the names of their subcommittees for the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:28



Respectfully submitted,

Tawnya Kabnick



Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

April 4

May 2

June 6


Meeting time 7:30