Mt. Kemble Lake Country Club

                             Annual Meeting, June 17, 2011

                                      Meeting Minutes



The meeting was scheduled as part of the June TGIF.   The dinner started at 6:30 pm and the meeting began at 7:30 pm.


Carl Bonar, Country Club President, called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm and called the roll.  A quorum was achieved via 36 

proxies and 39 members present.


The minutes from the June 2010 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved as written.


New members, Hank Gordon and Dr. Athos and Stamatina Anatasiatas, were welcomed to the community.


The bar report was prepared and written by Mick Merenda, Bar Chair, who could not be present at the meeting.  David Dietz read the report.  There were some additions to the beer and wine selections at the clubhouse.  The bar prices will remain the same with alcoholic beverages priced at $4, and beer priced at $3.


Karen Sabol, Social Chair, mentioned that several parties had been canceled or postponed due to low attendance and responses.  However, Karen also noted the success of the parties that were organized and attended over the course of the past year.  Karen thanked Terry Dwyer for the email contact website which he keeps current.  Karen also mentioned that she would like to post stories on the website.  Topics could include individual stories explaining how residents became part of the lake community.  Interviews could also be conducted to gather recorded information to create interesting stories with the actual residents to be stored in the history room and or posted on the website. 


Karen highlighted the many well attended parties for the 2010 – 2011 year:  4th of July, monthly TGIFs, Beach Party, Christmas Party, Pub Party, Traveling Silk Road, Memorial Day Petting Zoo, VSA Volunteer Thank You Dinner, Beach Cleanup, Children’s Parties, and ending with the Camp Out in June in which  31 adults and  29 children had signed up.  Karen extended a big thank you to all the volunteers who helped out at each of these parties – especially to the Bonars, Murrays, and Allyns, who have consistently volunteered to help set up and work at many of the parties listed above. 


Karen also mentioned the need for volunteers to help with the 4th of July party this year.  She needs volunteers for both the beach and the clubhouse committee.   She is also looking for volunteers for the September Labor Day Run, the Holiday Arts and Crafts Party, and other parties in the coming year.  A list of these parties and upcoming TGIFs was placed in the back of the room so that when the meeting was adjourned, members could sign up for activities they would be willing to work on. 


Several compliments were given to Karen for the excellent job she does keeping residents informed of upcoming events through emails and organizing volunteers for all the parties throughout the year.


David Dietz, Clubhouse Treasurer, presented his financial report.  He explained that all the parties held this year were profitable with the exception of one TGIF (Oct. 2010) and the New Year’s Even Party, which broke even.  There is $1,000  surplus to date, which will be used by the Country Club or Association to purchase needed items.


Old Business:  Carl Bonar reminded everyone to keep their email addresses current for the website.  If there are any changes, please contact Terry Dwyer or Karen Sabol.  Several items have been purchased or replaced in the clubhouse.  New navy blue tablecloths have been purchased, the deck has been power washed and stained, a new lock has been installed on the front door, and lights have been installed under the step to the ballroom.


New Business:  Bettina Bierly asked if the Clubhouse paid rent to the association.  The Clubhouse does pay the association $800 per year.  Any surplus that is made at the Clubhouse is turned over and earmarked for something.  All of this year’s purchases have not been made at this point in time, and the Board does not anticipate a surplus this year.  Gail Allyn suggested that a map of houses with the names and house numbers be updated and posted on the website.  Joyce Murray mentioned that the microwave should be replaced.  She suggested purchasing a new one or asking if someone in the community would donate one. 


Cacky Bell chaired the nomination committee made up of Cassy Merenda, Jane Kendal, Eric Zalis, and Lisa Qualben.  Carl Bonar introduced the slate of officers:  Hank Gordon, Jayne Roland, Gail Chalfant, and David Dietz (incumbent).  Carl called for a short recess while everyone voted and had dessert. 


The meeting was called back to order after the votes were collected and counted.  The election results were announced:  David Dietz and Jayne Roland were elected for a two year term.


Without further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Roberts

Mount Kemble Lake Country Club Secretary