Lakeshore Company Board Meeting

April 4, 2011


Present: Austin Godfrey, Barbara Coulter, Tawnya Kabnick



Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 9:06pm. 


WATER Ð Everything is in good working order. The VSA dinner will be held at 6:30 on May 14th and the Board is invited to attend and help. Carl Bonar and Barbara Coulter will be making the dinner.

TREASURER     - Barbara C. Coulter []

Barbara presented the financial reports and will post four reports on the website each month:

1. actuals vs budget by line item

2. cash balance by company

3. checks over $1,000

4. an AR report.


Barbara is going to present a clarification of the dues schedule including interest and penalties to be placed on the MKL website.

Other Business

Tawnya is going to clarify our insurance policy coverage for sub-contractors.

The following resolution was approved by the board in order to facilitate the treasureÕs job:



In as much as the bylaws of the company require dual signatures on checks exceeding $1000, and in as much as the company routinely does business in excess of $1000 w/ the following vendors, and in as much as the company routinely makes payments and transfers electronically, therefore it is resolved that inter-company transfers between Mount Kemble Lake Association and The Lakeshore Company as well as payments to the following vendors throughout the calendar year 2011 have the defacto approval of  the Board of Directors:


Agra Environmental and Laboratory Services

Allied Biological

CW Backshall Landscaping

Harding Township

NJDEP Budget and Finance

Philadelphia Insurance

Somerset Hills Bank


 It is further resolved that the approving signature of a trustee or director of the company on an invoice presented by any vendor constitutes a de-facto second "signature" on the subsequent electronic payment of that invoice. In support of this resolution, the treasurer's monthly report will list all payments of $1000 and above that have been made to all vendors since her last report.


The board approved a request for a gas line to be run through Mount Kemble Lake property to the neighborÕs home behind the tennis court.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:20pm

Respectfully submitted,


Tawnya Kabnick



Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

April 27th special meeting to vote on the Finance committee proposal


Meeting time 7:30