Over the last several days three dead or dying deer have been found at the Lake. The Harding Health Administrator advises that at least 15 additional carcasses have been found in Harding, apparently as the result of an outbreak of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) affecting the white-tailed deer population.

EHD is a localized virus that spreads among deer though the bites of midge flies.EHD is NOT a public health issue. It cannot be transmitted to people, and humans are not at risk by handling infected deer, being bitten by infected midges, or eating infected deer meat -- though the Division of Fish and Wildlife strongly advises against consuming meat from ANY game animal that appears ill.

EHD is a common viral disease in deer that is contracted from the bite of a species of midge known as Culiocoides sonorensis. It does not spread from deer to deer. EHD outbreaks end with the onset of colder weather, which will kill midges that spread the disease. New Jersey has documented occasional, localized outbreaks of EHD in different parts of the state for more than 50 years. Although livestock can be infected with EHD, the disease is relatively benign in livestock and is likely to go unnoticed.

Deer typically die within 5 to 10 days of infection. Infected deer initially lose their appetite and fear of people. They grow progressively weaker and often salivate excessively. As the disease progresses, infected deer breathe heavily and develop a fever. Fever-ridden deer may go to water to drink or in an attempt to cool off. Eight to 36 hours following the onset of observable signs, the infected deer pass into a shock-like state, become prostrate and die.

Deer exhibiting signs of EHD, such as difficulty standing, drooling, emitting foam from the mouth or nose, or dead deer with no apparent wounds, observed in or near water should be reported the Harding Health Department (973) 267-8000 x1925). Deer that are down but alive should be reported to the Harding Police Department.