Friends & Neighbors….


I am going to run the ING New York City Marathon on 6th November as part of Team UNICEF. My first marathon eleven years ago in London was as a fundraiser for UNICEF so I am delighted to be able to help them again in my first attempt at New York. UNICEF is the world’s leading international children’s organisation, working in over 150 countries. My goal is to raise at least $3,500 for UNICEF to give children the clean water, food, medicines, vaccines and protection they need to survive.


Two ways you can help:


1.       If you see me plodding along the road, face as red as the hair I’ve got left, give me a wave. The effort to smile back will take my mind off the grind for a few seconds…

2.       If you’d like to help my fundraising effort you can donate online at or by clicking here, or contact me directly. My donations deadline is 16 October.


On behalf of the kids we can help save – thank you!


Féilim Maxwell

862 222 6626