Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

December 2011


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                     Tawnya Kabnick*

Treasurer                    Bobbi Coulter*

Beaches & Docks      Ruth Chaney

Clubhouse                   Joyce Murray

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Diane Bonar

House Maintenance    Bruce Scolnick

Roads                         Tim Lukacs

Water                         Rick Barrett


* Lakeshore Co. Board Members


Association Board Meetings:

Jan 3, 7:30

Feb.. tbd, 7:30



Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Jane Roland

Treasurer                    David Dietz

Bar Chair                   Mick Merenda

Social Chair               Karen Sabol


Upcoming Events


· Dec.. 9…Holiday Crafts TGIF

· Dec. 11…Family Holiday
         Open House
         and Santa Visit


· Dec.  31...New Year’s Eve Party

· Jan. 1: Happy 2012!


· Jan. 27…. TGIF /Lakeshore          and  Association Annual


· Feb. ?...TGIF


· Mar.?...TGIF

Board  Incumbents Re-elected


Austin Godfrey, Rick Barrett, Diane Bonar, and Barbara Coe were elected to the Board in the recent balloting that ended December 3rd.

Thanks to all who voted! The Association looks forward to their continued service.




New Resident Sighting!


On November 18, the Barretts took this photo of a black bear—in a tree behind their home at 38 Lake Trail West! A reminder to watch your pets in case they decide to get up front and personal with this visitor (or any of his/her close relatives)!


Black bears commonly live in forested areas but do leave them in search for food. This is the time of year they fatten up for hibernation during the colder winter months. Be particularly careful to keep your garbage cans locked up so as not to attract bears (or other critters).

For a better view of this resident, see the MKL Web site under “Wildlife Sightings.”

If you do see any bears in the Community, please give Karen Sabol a call so she can send out an email alert.



Special Inform Meeting December 13

Come to the Clubhouse at 7:30 for the special inform meeting to explain proposals to streamline our Mt. Kemble Lake Association and Lakeshore Company operations.


Several minor revisions to bylaws will also be discussed. Check the MKL Web site for an overview of these changes.