March 5, 2012 The Lakeshore Company


Board Members Present:  Barbara Coulter, Austin Godfrey, and Tawnya Kabnick



Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 8:48 PM.



New Business



Rick Barrett has been elected Vice-President  of the Lakeshore Co.  Now  he can sign papers for the DEP. Welcome Rick.


 Barbara presented 2012 Lake shore estimate of $60,000 rental agreement twice a year, March 1 and Sept 1to pay for the  property taxes, state and federal government fees, and the accountant. The Association pays all of the other fees related to the running of the water company

There will be no penalties and the late fees and interest penalties will conform to the Association.




Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm


Respectfully submitted,



Tawnya Kabnick


Board meetings are scheduled for the following date:



April 2

May 7.


Meeting time 7:30