Housekeeping Report 2011


Whether attending a party or cleaning the beach

Involvement by Lakers has reached a new peak.

The number participating, joining in, being part

Has exceeded a percent that gave me a start.

Rentals for birthdays, a shower, a brunch,

Along with tent sleepovers, with popcorn to crunch.

Meetings and exercise appeal to some groups,

Or TGI parties to catch up on the scoop.

About neighbors and friends the clubhouse provides

News about each and who needs a ride

To the doctors or the airport or somewhere nearby.

VSA dinners, crafts fairs and the 4th of July.

The number of those who joined in on the fun

The guesses you'd say, how high do they run?

The in and the outs of the clubhouse has lent

The participation of a whopping 80%.

Thank you!


The  Housekeeping Committee is responsible for facilitating and supporting the use of the Clubhouse for all Clubhouse events. The Committee is responsible for the decor and general condition and appearance of the Clubhouse and for soliciting suggestions from the Membership regarding these responsibilities. The Committee ensures the cleanliness of the facilities after use and the stocking of regular supplies to support rental, social and other special events. Gail Allyn is the supreme purchaser of such goods. (Thank you, Gail and John Murray who is willing to drive and schlep all the goods.) The fire inspections,carpet, refrigerator, stove ice maker,decks have all been cleaned, power washed and inspected. Light bulbs have been replaced with CFI bulbs (compact florescent).


Renters are given a before use walk through to familiarize equipment availability as well to document the condition of the Clubhouse prior to the rental and have a post use audit to ensure satisfactory clean-up and  any damage that might have occurred..


Supervising professional clean-up and providing access for other professional service providers is reflected in the open door policy.


It's been a very good year.


Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Murray