2011 Roads Annual Report


2011 was a year with many extreme weather events.   What a way to start my first year as roads chairperson. We had record breaking snow fall, heavy spring rains, a late summer “hurricane”, and a freak Halloween snow storm.  All of these events bought many extra challenges that were handled extremely well by the community along with the normal roads events. (and let’s try to forget the 2 occasions that left most of us in the dark for over a week).

Chris Backshall did a good job keeping our roads clear of snow and ice.


Due to the heavy spring rains and the hurricane, we had some wash out areas with the worse area being on the side of the hill on Lake Trail East. A rip rap drain was put in to prevent future wash outs and other areas were repaired.

The Halloween snow storm created an early fall cleanup with many down branches and trees.  Many people took it upon themselves to help clean up areas outside of their own properties and I am thankful for their help. Chris Backshall came around and removed all of the branches in our neighborhood shortly after the cleanup was complete which was well before many communities in our area were cleared.

Spring clean up was held on Saturday, April 30th.  Fall clean up was held on Saturday, November 19th. I would like to thank everyone that came out and helped spruce up our neighborhood and look forward to seeing even more of you at this year’s cleanups. I also would like to thank Ruth Chaney for coordinating lunch during the spring clean up and Carl Bonar for coordinating lunch during the fall clean up.  

Thanks to everyone who volunteered for summer road patrol.  This included the Meranda’s, Tawnya Kabnick and Dave Clark, the Krizkos, the Maxwells, the Priscus, the Baumgartens, the Chaneys, and the Barretts.


This fall, we had some minor road repairs which occurred after the fall clean up. Potholes were filled around the lake and a couple of small areas were milled and repaved.  A crack that started on the Primrose hill was filled with tar to prevent future damage.

Going forward, a long term plan has been created to be proactive in our road maintenance in order to avoid major and costly repairs that have required loans in the past. The first project, which hopefully was approved tonight, will take place this spring. In the future there is going to be a spring project every year that will ensure our roads getting back into shape. This will be prioritized by areas in the community that are in the worst shape as well as maintain roads that have already repaired.

Finally, I would like to thank Gail Chalfant for making my transition to roads chairperson a smooth one and Austin Godfrey for his guidance.