Reminder to Supply Emergency Phone Contacts Please provide a cell phone contact to John Murray so that you will be sure to receive emergency messages in the event that our phone lines are again disrupted as they were by Irene and the October Snowstorm of 2011.
MKL Web Site
If you have information to post on the Web site, contact Terry Dwyer, webmaster, or Barbara Coe, Community Affairs Chair. Check the Web site for contact information plus other updated Lake information. Log on using the following link and passwords:
Login: mklresident
Dues Schedules Revamped
The new dues schedule is now in place with the invoice issued for payment in March. Note that all dues are now payable to the Mount Kemble Lake Association. |
Renovations Taking Shape
The Van Kirk home is being renovated by new owners Nancy and Michael Witwer. The home of John and Danielle Hall is also nearing the completion of its expansion.
Thanks to our new and old neighbors for upgrading the neighborhood!!
Beach Cleanup Scheduled Save the date! (Rain date May 19th) Bring rakes, wheelbarrows, shovels and yourselves to the beach to rake sand and spruce up our beach for the new swim season. Join the cleanup crew for a beach luncheon to follow!
VSA Dinner Scheduled The much-anticipated VSA-Rewards Dinner has been scheduled for May 5. If you are not already a volunteer, it’s not too late to sign up to help out with the pump-monitoring and analysis reporting of our water system.
Water System Report
Jim Irving and an assistant have been reorganizing and cleaning up both pump houses. Many thanks to Jim!! —Rick Barrett, Water Chair
****** Save the Date: Road Cleanup April 21st
Harding Twp. Health Dept: 973-267-8000 ext 1925
Harding Twp. Police Dept: 973 –455-0500 |
Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the Newsletter: 425 4088 or e-mail: |