Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

September 2012


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                     Tawnya Kabnick*

Treasurer                    Bobbi Coulter*

Beaches & Docks      Ruth Chaney

Clubhouse                   Joyce Murray

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Diane Bonar

House Maintenance    Bruce Scolnick

Roads                         Tim Lukacs

Water                         Rick Barrett


* Lakeshore Co. Board Members


Association Board Meetings:

Oct . 1, 7:30

Nov  5, 7:30

Dec. 3, 7:30



Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Alison Maxwell

Treasurer                    David Dietz

Bar Chair                   Dave Clark

Social Chair               Karen Sabol


Upcoming Events


· Sept. ?…Golf TGIF


· Oct. ?...EMT Thank-you TGIF


· Oct. 31...Kids’ Halloween Party


· Nov. 17 …Fall Road Cleanup


· Dec. 7...Holiday Crafts TGIF


· Dec.  9 (or 16?)...Family
Holiday  Open House and Santa Visit

· Dec. 31 ...New Year’s Eve

From the Desk of the Treasurer

“We’ve been making good progress cleaning up our AR (delinquent dues), mostly through patience, good communications and mutual respect. But when all else fails we can and do use the full power of the bylaws and the Courts to protect the community.


Summer Is Winding Down


The beach is still open for intrepid swimmers and the gardens are heavy with their season’s abundance, but clear signs of fall are swiftly approaching.  School is open, so watch for children coming and going on our roads.  New neighbors have moved in and more are to come.  June’s Progressive Open House introduced many of our newer neighbors to the community—Nancy & Michael Witwer, Joe & Joanne Tesi, Maya & Jens Leuring, and Bill & Joan Haynsworth. Thanks to the Barretts, Dwyers and Gail Chalfant for hosting the Open House!

On LTW, Doreen Frasca & Thomas Mead have moved in at #22, and Fred & Mary Luberto at #10. Trevor & Wendy Hamilton are new residents of 21 Primrose, and new neighbors Denise Mizerek & Patrik Dyberg will be moving from Basking Ridge to 67 Primrose in late September or early October. Welcome to all!

Unfortunately, we have had to petition the Courts regarding a long-term outstanding account and will be involved in some legal initiatives in the coming months.  No action is required from our members in good standing and we will provide an update at the Annual Meeting.”
                                  —Barbara Coulter,