Recent Bear Sighting

Peter Richardson, 84 LTE, reported that his daughter spotted a bear on August 24th walking on Trail’s End and into the woods behind the tennis courts. Be sure to monitor pets and young children, and secure garbage that may attract bears. We love our Nature, but at a safe distance!




MKL Web Site


Log on using the following link, login, and password:


Login: mklresident
Password: 425





To contact Bobbi Coulter, Treasurer, email:



Sept. 13 Hearing
for Septic Waiver

The Merendas are appealing for a waiver to install a new septic system for their house. The hearing is scheduled for September 13.  Neighbors are invited to attend—you may share similar issues in the future!



Save the Date!

Fall Road Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, November 17. Details to follow.

New Plan for Flag
at the Clubhouse


Diane Bonar, Grounds Chair, is having the flag pole painted. She also proposes to install a light that will illuminate the flag and allow it to fly permanently. This would eliminate our daily raising and lowering of the flag, which has proved problematic with volunteers’ erratic schedules.



New BarTables
for the Clubhouse

Joyce Murray, Clubhouse Chair, has purchased two new bar tables and had 6 bar chairs recovered for our bar lounge at the clubhouse. Check them out at the next TGIF!




New Graduates from the Lake

Among new Lake graduates from Madison heading off to college are Rachel Alvey—Drexel, Sally Curtiss—Washington & Lee,  Aaron Davidson—U.SCarolina, Alex Kern—Quinnipaic, Carolyn McCabe—U. Richmond, Matthew Qualben—U.RI, and Meredith Sullivan—Elon. From Bernards High, Tom Limongello (N. Witwer’s son) is off to U.NH.


Harding graduates off to high school include Liam McCabe—Seton Hall Prep, Gregory White—Madison, and Chris Collier—Madison. Malcolm Mead graduated from 8th grade at Delbarton and will attend Delbarton upper school.


Congratulations to all, and best wishes for your educations!

Neighborhood Watch

Harding Twp. Mayor Marshall Bartlett and Police Chief Kevin Gaffney remind residents to be on the alert to thwart the burglary ring that continues to operate in our area. A break-in in the Green Village area of Harding is the latest example of the threat.




Harding Health Department Offers Free Flu Shots
for Seniors

Residents who are 65 years or older can attend one of the two Seasonal Flu Clinics  between 9:00 am and 11:00 am on Thursday, September 27 or Thursday, October 4. Please bring Insurance and Medicare cards. Hi-risk residents with notes from their doctors authorizing the vaccine may also attend. For future clinic information, please call the Flu Hotline at the Health Dept. number below.



Emergency Phone Contacts


Harding Twp. Health Dept:

973-267-8000  ext  1925


Harding Twp. Police Dept:

973 –455-0500

Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the Newsletter: 425 4088 or
