How about spending New Year’s Eve together!

Fred and I enjoyed the celebration so much last year, that we decided to chair this year’s fun-filled party.

We are hoping you can join your friends here at the lake for the festivities.

Before we move ahead with details, we wanted to get some idea of how many people are likely to attend.

The cost will be under $40./pp. for delicious food, great company, and dancing to music provided by DJ Fred (and his Ipod).   

Remember, you are welcome to bring guests, as well.

We’re hoping you can join us.  If there is enough interest, we will move forward with the plans, and you will receive a formal invitation.

 You can let us know by calling us at 908-522-0229,

Or, by emailing us at

Or, by dropping the tearoff below in our mailbox at 10 Lake Trail West.

We would appreciate your response by the end of November.

Fondly, Fred and Mary Luberto




Name   _______________________________________  (Kindly print)

____ Yes, I/we will be attending.  How many?  ________

If you would be willing to help in any way, it would be much appreciated.

____ Yes, I/we could lend a hand with __________________________________________