A Note from our Treasurer


Roads Chair Tim Lucaks has been working hard to keep our roads in good condition. The work on the Elm Trail/Lake Trail West segment has been completed, as planned, and the hill at the Beach was also completed by taking advantage of the contractor’s availability while on site.

The unexpected sinkhole at the bottom of Lake Trail East has been repaired, with some assistance from the Township. The Township will be repaving Bailey’s Mill Road later this year and will complete the repaving of the segment still open at that time. This unanticipated work has put us over our projected 2013 roads budget by approximately $25,000.  Treasurer Bobbi Coulter is confident that this can be handled by making modest adjustments in our overall spending plans




Missing Your Boat?

Beaches Chair Ruth Chaney notes that boats that have been removed from the beach will remain stored at the Clubhouse until next spring.  Please check there if you discover your boat is missing. Any boat not claimed by spring will be disposed of. And please note that any boat stored at the beach must be identified with your name or it will be removed and disposed of.




Elections to be held


Self-nomination forms will be distributed the first week of October. Please volunteer if you wish to run for election to the Association Board!

Father Corr Legacy

Father Corr, who after 30 years serving as pastor of Christ the King Church took up residence on Primrose Trail in our community, has generously bequeathed a percentage of his estate to the Mount Kemble Lake Association.  The community is grateful for this fond remembrance.



Weed Killer Warning

A recent article in the New York Times reveals that farmers are concerned about damage to soil from use of the chemical glyphosate, marketed under the names Roundup and Buccaneer. Check out the link:



Please use such chemicals sparingly, if at all, to avoid contamination of our soil and our Lake water.




Great Swamp Connection


Our own Jane Kendall is on the Board of the Great Swamp Watershed Association. An upcoming project is to monitor the water quality of Primrose Brook below Bailey’s Mill Road and also possibly to check the inflow to our lagoon from upstream. We look forward to working with their Board to continue to ensure our Lake’s water quality.


Check the link Greatswamp.org

For news of upcoming events and projects of this organization.



Harding Township Health
Department Screenings


Flu Clinics are scheduled for Thursday, September 26 and Tuesday October 8, from 9 am to 11 am at the Harding Township Municipal Building.  Flu shots are free of charge for Harding Township residents 65 and older and those with chronic illnesses requiring a flu shot as verified by a doctor’s note.  Please bring a copy of your Medicare card and Insurance card. No appointment is necessary.


Pneumonia immunization is available for residents 65 and older if you have not received it in the past. Please call 973-267-8000 ext 1974 to make an appointment.


A Rabies Clinic for Harding and Morris Townships will be held on Saturday, November 2, from 10 am to 12 noon at the Woodland Firehouse, 20 Dwyer Lane, Morris Township. Dogs and cats must be on a leash or in a carrier.



MKL Web Site


Log on using the following link, login, and password:




Login: mklresident
Password: 425


Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the Newsletter: 425 4088 or

e-mail: waffcoe@aol.com