In Memoriam

The Community is saddened at the loss of two of our members. Dave Molendyke passed away October 7 after a long illness. Dave  and Jeanie have resided at the Lake since 1986 and raised their daughter Mollie here.  Richard Monks  died on November 7. Richard and Barbara had lived on Alpine Trail since 1975.  Barbara is currently in a nursing home.




A  shiny Red Sleigh made it through the snow to bring a special guest to the Holiday Open House at the Clubhouse !


Children and grandchildren welcomed  Santa to the Clubhouse!




Happy New Year 2014
to All!!

Amanda Tsukamoto leads carolers  at  the Holiday Open House




Party  Ideas and Committees Needed!


Country Club Social Chair Karen Sabol is putting together our social calendar for 2014. Please email her at or call her at ext. 0285 with your interests in participating in an event at the Clubhouse.  Chairing a committee with friends is an enjoyable way to entertain in the spacious setting of our Clubhouse.


Karen will be emailing a list of party ideas from the past to spur your interests in planning some parties in the future. Or come up with some new ideas of your own!  You will endear yourselves to your neighbors with your creative suggestions!




January 24th TGIF and Annual Meeting of the MKL Association and Lakeshore Company


Save the date! The TGIF begins at 6:30 and is followed by the meeting at 7:30. Please don’t forget to send in your proxy if you will be away and cannot attend in person.

Welcome, New Neighbors!


Anne Singleton has moved into the former Merenda residence at 1 Lake Trail West, and her new neighbors are Fergus and Alice Healy in #3. Rachel (nee Godfrey) and Austin Brock have moved into the former Irving residence at 72 Primrose Trail. Jeannie and Andrew Tsukamoto are on Lake Trail East at #48. Welcome to our Community!



MKL Web Site


Check the Web site for photos of the recent parties, plus other  updated Lake information.  Log on using the following link and passwords:


Login: mklresident
Password: 425





Dues Schedule Reminder

Invoices for dues have been issued. Payment is due by January 1, 2014. Please pay on time to save late fees—and undue stress to our Treasurer!


Email to receive your dues notices by email.




Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the Newsletter: 973 425 4088 or
