Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

March 2014


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                  Tawnya Kabnick*

Treasurer                    Bobbi Coulter*

Beaches & Docks      Ruth Chaney

Clubhouse                   Joyce Murray

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Joan Haynsworth

House Maintenance    Bob Edgar

Roads                         Tim Lukacs

Water                         Rick Barrett


* Lakeshore Co. Board Members


Association Board Meetings:

Apr. 1 7:30

May 7 7:30

June 6, 7:30



Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Alison Maxwell

VP/Treasurer           Bill Haynesworth

Bar Chair                   Dave Clark

Social Chair               Karen Sabol

Upcoming Events

· Apr. 6…..Kids’ Easter Party

· Apr.. 13...Dance Party round 2

· April 20: Easter


· Apr. 25….TGIF


· Apr..  26..Spring  Road Cleanup


· May. 3...Memorial Service: Hank               Gordan

· May 9…..Dance Party continued

· May 17...Beach Cleanup
         VSA Thank-you Dinner

· May 26: Memorial Day (observed)—May party?

· May 30...Dance Party continued






Spring Road Cleanup April 26

Take advantage of the arrival of Spring to come out to our semi-annual road cleanup! Leaves and branches for chipping need to be raked and dragged from our roadsides and drains. Please wait until the week before the Saturday cleanup to move your own leaves and branches curbside.

A “thank-you” luncheon will follow Cleanup at the Clubhouse.



Beach Season IS Coming?…..


Save the date: May 17th, with rain date May 18 for Beach Cleanup. Despite the long and cold winter, the Lake is thawing and will be swimmable soon!


The boating season may come earlier, so please attend to the proper labeling and storing of boats at the beach and other dock areas. And if you are missing a boat, check behind the Clubhouse, where improperly labeled or stored boats were removed last fall. Any boat not claimed by spring will be disposed of!


    Ruth Chaney, Chair of Beaches & Docks, sends this message:
“A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.”                                                                                     —Henry David Thoreau,
     I think most of us have a wonderful understanding of the importance of our lake.  Fishing, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, and sailing will soon (cont’d p. 2)

New generator to arrive...finally?


Rick Barrett, Water Chair, has arranged for an updated schedule for installing our new generator. Installation was delayed by our severe winter weather conditions, but now that “spring” has arrived the foundation work can finally be done. We hope to have it installed and ready to run by the beginning of April.