Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

June 2014


MKL Association Board  Members


President        Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                 Tawnya Kabnick*

Treasurer       Bobbi Coulter*

Beaches & Docks   Ruth Chaney

Clubhouse       Joyce Murray

Community Affairs   Barbara Coe

Grounds        Joan Haynsworth

House Maintenance   Bob Edgar

Roads         Tim Lukacs

Water         Rick Barrett


* Lakeshore Co. Board Members


Association Board Meetings:

Sept. 8 7:30

Oct. 6 7:30

Nov. 3 6, 7:30



Country Club Board Members



Secretary        Alison Maxwell

VP/Treasurer     Bill Haynesworth

Bar Chair       Dave Clark

Social Chair
    Newly elected: Mike Witwer and Wendy Hamilton; offices TBD  

Upcoming Events

·          June 29…..Memorial Service for              Guy Bowden

·          July 4....4th of July Party


·          Aug. 9….Patriots Baseball Game


·          Aug..?  Mermaids/Minnows TGIF


·          Aug. ?...Labor Day Party






Road Cleanup April 26

The successful road cleanup on April 26 has cleared our drains and roadsides of accumulated leaves and sticks. Thanks to Tim Lucaks, Roads Chair,  for spearheading the effort and to all the volunteers who turned out to help. Thanks too to Carl Bonar for the luncheon reward enjoyed by volunteers.
Tim’s pothole army will be mobilizing shortly to repair the many damages from our polar-vortex winter.


The Beach Is Open!


Thanks to all who came out to clean up the beach on May 17th.  Weather cooperated and piles of leaves and other debris were removed from the swimming area.  Ruth Chaney, Beaches Chair, provided coffee and doughnuts for energy to complete the task and rewarded workers with a delicious picnic lunch of sandwiches, chips, and assorted beverages.


Beach tags have been distributed in your mailboxes, along with reminders  about beach use and safety rules. Please be responsible for your children and guests and display your tags at all times. Happy Summer!!!


Ruth Chaney, Chair of Beaches & Docks, thanks all who have helped to keep our lake clean and attractive.

VSA  Volunteers Treated to
Annual Dinner on May 17


Bobbie Coulter and Carl Bonar feted VSA volunteers with a sumptuous dinner including a voluminous antipasto tray followed by entrées of mushroom-topped polenta and stuffed grilled pork chops. An array of dessert treats dazzled and tempted the already stuffed diner to stuff herself even more! Non-volunteers, you don’t know what you missed!