New Benches for the Clubhouse
Those of you who visited the Mansion in May may recognize the beautiful benches that now grace our Clubhouse deck. Thanks to Nancy Witwer for donating two of them and for arranging for us to obtain an additional two. We can now enjoy our beautiful view from the comfort of some lovely benches! Many thanks, Nancy!
Dancing Feet Group to Continue
The dance instruction group plans to continue in the fall. If you are interested in joining, please contact Mary Luberto or Nancy Witwer to register.
****** Fishing Boat Available
Rick Barrett has a bass fishing boat powered by an electric motor available for use or purchase this summer. Please contact him if you are interested. |
Service for The community has sadly seen the recent passing of Guy Bowden,
longtime resident of Mount Kemble Lake. A fall and hip fracture quickly
debilitated his energy and he died on May 19 at the King James Care Center in
Chatham Township. He had just enjoyed his 91st birthday. (Please see the Web
site for further details. ) Our condolences go to his family, Bruce and Roe
Bowden of the Lake and Bob and Phyllis of Ocean, NJ, and their children and
grandchildren. The Memorial Service for Guy is scheduled for noon on June 29 at the Clubhouse.
****** Garden Party in July!
Please come to the garden Saturday, July 19, at 10 am for lemonade and sandwiches. Bring your pruners and rakes to help clean up the area around the garden. RSVP to Joan Haynsworth, Grounds Chair, at 908-204-9043. Also, let her know if you would like a garden plot—some are still available. Joan also extends her thanks to Ken Heiden for his work sprucing up the play area for our younger set. |
Club Elects
The annual meeting of the Country Club was held Friday, June 23, along with a TGIF. Elected to the board were Mike Witwer and Wendy Hamilton. The community extends its thanks to outgoing officers Carl Bonar and Karen Sabol for their many years of service as chair and social chairperson.
Residents may bring their lawn refuse: leaves, sticks, prunings, and grasses to the area behind the garden, but landscapers are to remove materials and dispose of them elsewhere.
Log on using the following link, login, and password:
Login: mklresident
Dues Schedule Reminder
Email to receive your dues notices by email. |
Contact Barbara Coe if you have an item to contribute to the Newsletter: 425 4088 or e-mail: |