Spring 2009
Here are
some important safety points and common courtesies that relate more
specifically to boating on the lake.
Again, we ask that parents review
them with their children, their baby sitters and with all guests (including
guests of their children).
1. Safety is our principal
priority. State law mandates that each
boat be furnished with Personal Flotation Devices equal to the number of people
in a boat and of an appropriate size for the wearer. Further, children under 12 should wear a PFD
when operating or riding in a boat.
2. Boaters are responsible for the
safety of swimmers who have the right-of-way; boats are therefore to move no
faster than three miles per hour.
3. The use of any kind of gas or diesel
powered motor is prohibited on the lake.
Boats powered electrically are not to exceed 14 feet in length.
4. Boaters should not engage in
horseplay and other activities that could result in injury.
5. No boating within the yellow line at
6. All boats should stay clear of the diving board, of the diving platforms at the Main and
7. At the
8. At the Fishin’
Hole, boats should be stored on the racks provided or set in an orderly way on
the woodchip-covered area. Boats tied to
the floating dock should be tied up on the side away from the fire lane. The fire lane side is to be used only
temporarily for launching and returning boats and for fishing.
9. No one should use another person’s
boat without the owner’s permission.
If you are a boat owner who no longer uses your boat, please remove it
from the
Each boat kept at the
owner’s name.
If you
have suggestions for safety or a more pleasant experience using the lake,
please pass your ideas to me. Have a
safe and fun-filled summer,
and Docks Chairperson