Emergency Call Notification Procedure Change


The Emergency Calling Chain has been discontinued and replaced with an automated callout system. The phone numbers for all residents have been placed in this system which can also be used for specific notifications based on street, i.e. Lake Trails East, West and Primrose or Lake-side. As with the old Emergency Calling chain, activation of callouts will be based on emergencies or other significant events directly affecting Lake residents.


If you prefer to have emergency messages go to a different number or an additional number, e.g. cell phone, please send an email to John Murray at john@jjmurray.us  or put a written note in the mailbox at 3 Trails End. You may list as many as two telephone numbers per household. The numbers can be landline or cell, but they cannot be an extension number behind a switchboard or pbx. If your residence requires more than two phone numbers, please contact John Murray to discuss.


If you have Caller ID it will show as 973-425-4036, which is the phone number at the Clubhouse. Each emergency message will be prepared by the individual at the Lake who knows the most about that particular event. Questions about a particular message should be directed to that individual.


If you notice a condition that warrants activation of the system, Please notify any of the following:


          Chris Allyn               973 425-1246 - The Lake and dams

          Rick Barrett             973 425-1414 - The water system

Bobbi Coulter         201 321-7722 - General

Austin Godfrey       973 425-6491 - Association/Lakeshore

John Murray            973 425-0646 - General