1. Cover
  2. Year End Report (YER)
  3. Water Quality
  4. Temperature & Dissolved Oxygen - May 26
  5. Temperature & Dissolved Oxygen - July 7
  6. Temperature & Dissolved Oxygen - Sept 28
  7. Macrophyte Survey
  8. Water Startwort Survey
  9. Sample Location Distribution
  10. Water Depth
  11. Submersed Vegetation Distribution
  12. Benthic Filamentous Algae Distribution
  13. Aerial Photo
  14. Map
  15. Analytical Results Summary
Year End Report for Mount Kemble Lake
prepared by
Allied Biological
January 22, 2007

This page provides a subset of the reports received from
Allied Biological. They can be viewed with your internet
browser. Just click on the underlined portions below.