Beach Cleanup
May 10, 2008
Photos & Captions Courtesy of Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
Don Kuhn Beaches & Docks Chair
Leads the Effort
Teeny Kuhn
"Hey Don ... stop looking good and
start working!"
Bob Yingling with
a wheelbarrow full
Mark Qualben
"I like to cut things!"
Gail Chalfant
"Look what a Yale Education
got me!"
Ahh ...
mechanization comes to MKL!
Hard at work?
Carol Irving Raking it in!
Jayne Roland:
"I've got to escape these workaholics!"
Ken Heiden at favorite pasttime:
So Happy in Their Work!
Jim Irving untying the
Gordian Knot of the float line.
Pat Sweeny:
Raking out a sand trap?
A Problem
Fowl fouled swim float!
A Hero to the Rescue
Patrick Sullivan swims out to the float
Brrrr ... that water was cold!
Pooper Scooper bucket at hand!
Cleaning up ... and getting off!
The Beach is Opened
Don Kuhn proclaims beach is open ...
(l to r) Jim Irving, Don, Jayne Roland,
Teeny Kuhn
Hey ... where did everyone go?
(l to r) Don Kuhn, Terry Dwyer