Spring Cleanup
April 19, 2008
Photos Courtesy of
Ray Jones
click on photos to

Read About the Event
Signing-in for the Day's Work
Dave Dietz
"It's too early to work!"
(l to r) Gail Allyn,
Gail Chalfant, Theresa Jones
Ken Heiden:
"I love this day!"
Chris Alvey:
"I'm tired just
thinking about the work!"
(l to r) Cacky Bell & Twinkle Tong:
"Maybe they're out of rakes!"
Phil Van Kirk:
"Should I sign this time with
a print or cursive X?"
Mick Merenda:
"Maybe I should check the beer before
the lunch crew arrives"
Jane Dwyer:
"Glad I'm prepped with coffee
and advil!"
Pat Sweeney (Black Shirt):
"I'm gonna ride my Harley
through those leaf piles!"
Bruce Scolnick:
"Ready to play Paul Bunyan with
those logs on Lake Trail East!"
New resident Jane Roland:
"This is  a going to be fun: They
said it would be a picnic."
Finally, some people actually started working ...
sort of ...
(l to r) Ruth and Fenton Chaney
Guarding the Sign
Bill Manser:
Roe Bowden:
Prepped and Preppied
for Work
Dave Alvey ...
using wrong end of rake!
Kathy Wawczak
"I knew I should have done this
last fall!"
"I sure could use a
sun visor out here!"
(l to r)Cassy Merenda & Theresa Jones
Avoiding the Paparazzi
"Work? You're kidding right?
I thought this was just coffee ..."
Joyce Murray:
"Think John needs a
moustache trim?"
Guy Bowden:
"I just love this wood!"
(L to r): Bill Manser, Terry Dwyer &
Jim Irving
Three Amigos after Morning Prozac
John Murray:
Blow-drying  leaf pile?