Fall Cleanup
November 21, 2009
Photos Courtesy of Ray Jones
Captions Courtesy of Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
First Things First  - Food!
The real reason
volunteers show up!
Chris Allyn: "Listen up folks ..
This year we have a donut shortage
No more than 1 dozen each ..."
Cacky Bell: "What!"
A stunned Rich Frirgerio:
"I can't survive on 1 dozen!"
Colleen Roberts sneaking
to the exit with an entire box!
Rich Frigerio:
"I'll sneak back in
and get some more ..."
Aspiring Oliver Twists:
"Please sir, may we have some more ..."
Nothing like that sugar rush ... to bring out some smiles on:
Ken Heiden (rear),
(front, l to r) Cacky Bell, Theresa Jones, Gail Chalfant, Diane Bonar
And so everyone begins to work ...
or is that everyone stands around
looking good?
Bob Gray: "Here comes the camera ...."
Ruth Chaney: "Look busy!"
Dave Clark ...
Ready to inflict some pain
... on the bushes, that is
Fenton Chaney using  overkill ....
to round up 4 leaves
Jane Dwyer (l) & Fran Frigerio(r)...
have leaves over a barrel ...
Austin Godfrey ...
even Presidents work ...
Jay Pultz ...
working hard, or hardly working?
Barbara Coe ...
all smiles!
Roe Bowden using
wrong end of rake ...
Joyce & John Murray ...
are they leaf raking or necking?
Mark Baumgarten ...
solitary raker ...
Gulag escapee (Eric Zalis, left)
joins MKL work crew ,,,
(l to r: Tim Fitzgerald, Terry Dwyer,
& Austin Godfrey)
isn't Sarah Palin watching Russia?
Twinkle Tong ...
twinkling the leaves ...
John & Jordan Hall ...
err ... rakes might work better!
Gil Fitzhugh & Diane Bonar
auditioning for
"Leaf Blowers on Broadway"