Fall Cleanup
November 21, 2009
Photos Courtesy of Ray Jones
Captions by  Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
The Crew at Work ... Sort of
Ellie Burd:
"Anyone see my husband?"
"Well ... this guy (Jim Irving)
some equipment ...
he'll do!"
George Burd:
"Hey Ellie ... I'm over here ...
on the other side of the web page"
The Ja(y)ne Club:
Jane Dwyer (l) and Jayne Roland(r)
Neo-American Gothic:
Lori and Dave Denson
And When the Work was Done (Sort of)
They Returned  to Eat ...
Guy Bowden ...
worked his hands off!
Maitre d' Mike McGoldrick:
"I'm not sure ...
we have a lunch table for you .."
After a $50 consideration:
"Ahh yes ...
I think something just opend up"
Tawana Kabnick
bidding adieu to the leaves ...
The Seated ...
and the always hungry, Gen-Next ...
Joyce Murray promises to
kiss Guy's boo-boos ...
"A seat right next to me!"
... and the Sated ...
A happy Chef Carl Bonar ...
expecting to meet
the diners ...
... but is told to get back in
the kitchen by Gail Chalfant
"That slave driver Gail ...
she burns my buns!"
The 2009 Crew ...
Road Chair Gail Chalfant (center)
with Photographer Ray Jones and
Assistant Photographer Theresa Jones
"Thanks Everyone!"