Spring Cleanup
April 18, 2009
Photos Courtesy of
Ray and Theresa Jones
Captions by Terry Dwyer
click on photos to ENLARGE
Ken Heiden ...
MKL chainsaw massacrer ....
Twinkle Tong ...
chasing a chipmunk?
"Would I hurt one of
those little fellers?"
Little red wagon working hard ...
carrying tools ....
... It's big buddy resting roadside
At last ... LUNCH!
Master Chef Carl announces that
soup will be served ...
"We hope that's not TURTLE soup!"
Yummies await ...
... but first Carol Irving ensures that
everyone gets some salad ...
"That means you too ,Jim Irving!"
... while Terry Dwyer swings that spoon
like a shovel ....
... and wonders if he should get an
actual shovel!
Having cleaned up MKL,
the group next solves the world's
problems in 20 minutes,  ...
... starts a betting pool on the
completion year of Newton White's
house ....
and finishes up with a group photo ...
Cacky Bell:
"Y'all come back next year ... bayh"
(l to r) Jane Dwyer, Dale Scolnick, Gail
Chalfant, Jayne Roland, Teeny Kuhn,
Theresa Jones & Cacky Bell approve
of Carl's spread ...