Spring Cleanup
April 18, 2009
Photos Courtesy of  Ray and Theresa Jones
Captions by Terry Dwyer
click on photos to ENLARGE
Signing-in for the Day's Work
And So, the Work Begins ...
Daine Bonar & Emily
ready to get going ...
... while Jane Dwyer makes a getaway
... (to fetch some lunch fixins)!
Jayne Roland and Carl Bonar
plan a surprise lunch for workers ...
Dave Molendyle dressed
to kill (the leaves)
Chris Allyn ensnared in wires ...
Diane Bonar ensnared in the bushes
Jim Irving and Teeny Kuhn
are loaded up with advil and ready to go!
Bruce Scolnick (l) makes sure
Phil Van Kirk (r) gets his morning jolt
(coffee laced with Metamucil)
Jayne Roland (l) and Cassy Merenda (r)
are well medicated for the day.
Mick Merenda: "Anyone up for 7up?"
Nancy Barrett ... so happy to start work!
Bob Edgar (l) and Ray Negele (r)
singing: "Take us to the leaves!"
Gail Allyn (l) watches as
Cacky Bell (r) does a few pull-ups
to limber up  for the day's work!
Dave Molendyle lost in the forsythia ...
Nancy Barrett (r) faces post-happiness
syndrome ...
(just the weeds, Nancy, please leave
the fence)
Lorraine Negele: "I've been working
for 10 minutes ... when is break time?"
The Agony, TwinkleTong (l), and
the Ecstasy, Ellie Burd (r), at work
Terry Dwyer (l) and Pat Sweeny (r)
caught goofing off ...
"Yes maam ... right back to work!"
Head Honcho Gail Chalfant
going out to check work crews ...
Mark Baumgarten a little tuckered
out after raking leaves ...
Joan Baumgarten completely  refreshed
after supervising Mark's raking!
Tough Times: Dale Scolnick,
Sandwich Board Lady of MKL , with
Husband Bruce (man in Martian outfit),
and Diane Bonar, rake lady
Ray Negele (l) and Bob Edgar (r)
explain what a shovel is to
Davor Gjivoje (center)
Bob(l) and Ray(r),
former comedy team,
now out of jokes, and, perhaps, gas  ....