Spring Cleanup - Page 3
April 17, 2010
Photos Courtesy of  Ray and Theresa Jones
Photos and Captions by Terry Dwyer
click on photos to ENLARGE
And then ... Time for Lunch
But first, Gads,  a gauntlet
of girl scouts ...
... offering some savory delights ...
That's a pretty cheap airfare!
Hey, is that movie star
Jane Dwyer working in the kitchen?
Jody Mead(c)
"Can I sit in on this poker game?"
Gail Chalfant needs a stiff
drink after a long day of
honcho-ing the MKL crew
A feast worth working for!
Cacky Bell:
"Gail says I didn't work hard enough ...
I can eat only the salad!"
Bruce Scolnik prepares to polish
off a box of
Dulce de Leche
Jim Irving (l) and George Burd (r):
"Didn't Bruce ever learn how to share?"
Relief , work's over... and so is a great meal!
... Carol Irving (l) prays that
the rumor isn't true ...
A rumor spreads that there
will be work after lunch ...
... Gail Chalfant assures the crew that there
will be no after-lunch work ...
Well ... almost over ...
Waiter Gavin Lukacs:
"Any room left for a cookie, or two?"
See you next year!