Spring Cleanup - Page 2
April 17, 2010
Photos Courtesy of  Ray and Theresa Jones
Photos and Captions by Terry Dwyer
click on photos to ENLARGE
Gail Chalfant's pile:
has she been hoarding this stuff?
Terry Dwyer & Jayne Roland
with an enormous pile of wood ...
Austin Godfrey ...
"Hey lady, want your windows washed?"
John Roberts (r) being
introduced to a shovel ...
OK John ... start digging ...
and keep digging ...
under the watchful eye
of Austin Godfrey
I knew I shouldn't have given up my
Supreme Court seat for this!
Teeny Kuhn: wow, two rakes at a time!
and now, lugging wood ...
... and Austin Godfrey "lugging" debris
Tim Lukacs: Lucky? to be doing this?
Bruce Scolnick, with whistle clean
Lake Trail East ...
... and, now trying to make the woods
whistle clean too?
MKL Cleanup Crew literally
working their rakes' fingers off
Ray Negele: mowing the road?
Bruce Scolnick (l):
"I think I just got a hernia!"
Well ... at least
the sign is nice and clean!
"Hi Ho, Hi Ho ...
it's off to lunch we go ..."
Diane Bonar ...
doesn't realize that's poison ivy ...
Ah yes ... the little red wagnon .... so cute ....
Clearing drains ...
or digging for buried treasure?
Dick Manz (l) and Mike Delucia (r) ...
walking around looking good ...
but not actually doing anything ...
Amazingly, this rake ...
operates itself
And another Cutie ...
Patrick Roberts (l) with his mom, Colleen