Spring Cleanup - Page 1
April 17, 2010
Photos Courtesy of  Ray and Theresa Jones
Photos and Captions by Terry Dwyer
click on photos to ENLARGE
Signing-in for the Day's Work
Welcoming Committee (l to r):
Cacky Bell, Theresa Jones, Gail Chalfant
Colleen Roberts, exhausted
before the work even starts
Barbara Coe:
"I need COFEE!"
George Burd
on sitdown strike
Barbara & Colleen, pre-work
"Give me an R-A-K-E!"
Tim Lukacs:
"You can't make me rake!"
Don Kuh(c) and Diane Bonar (r):
resigned to the day's fate ...
Ken Heiden:
looking forward to the day's work?
Actually, he's looking forward
to the donut box
Terry Dwyer: "Hey, who scoffed down
all the donuts?"
Rick Barrett presents Gail Chalfant
with OSHA rules for Spring Cleanups
Jayne Roland:
"Oh yea ... We have our
Conspiring to evade raking ....
Let the Work Begin!
Gail Chalfant: "I don't want to find anyone
slacking off today ,,, no work, no lunch!"
Jane Dwyer:
sweeping leaves under the bushes?
Chris Alvey: picking 'em up ...
... and laying 'em down!
Tim Lukacs:
practicing for the javelin throw?
Joyce Murray,
carrying a big stick
Lisa Qualben:
giving the grounds the
white-glove treatment?
Teeny Kuhn (l) & Don Kuhn (r):
Teeny: "Don, why did we decide to
have another child in our 70s?"
Don: "I don't know, but I wish he'd
stop getting his kite caught in this
Bruce Scolnick (l) and Mark Baumgarten (r):
practicing a dance number?
Ruth Chaney (l):
"I just love raking ..."