Hurricane Sandy
October 29, 2012 -Nov. 12, 2012
Photos Courtesy  of Many MKL Residents
Click on Photos To Enlarge
The Mess
LTW @ #8 (Allyn)
#37 LTW (Coe)
#15 TE (Burd)
#8 LTW (Allyn's)
#35 Primrose (Dupre)
Bailey's Mill
North LTW
-------------Trail's End Near Tennis Court -----------------
LTE Near #94 (Bierly)
#35 Primrose (Dupre)
#35 Primrose (Dupre)
TE In Front of Clubhouse
#12 Prim (Yingling)
#10 Prim (Frigerio)
Generator outside Pump House
Hurricane Sandy hit MKL on October 29, with winds of around 100 mph.
Power was not restored until November 12. Power crews from North and
South Carolina, Ohio, and Michigan helped. No one at MKL was injured,
although some homes had relatively minor damage.
29 Prim (Wrigley)
Trail's End
#11 Trail's End (Burd)
#57 LTW (Roberts)
Basketball Court
Bailey's Mill and LTW
Bailey's Mill
#2 LTW (Lukacs)