Hurricane Sandy
October 29 -Nov. 12
Photos Courtesy  of Many MKL Residentsof  
Click on Photos To Enlarge
The Cleanup
Cutting Path Through Trees Across Elm Trail
About to Clear Tree off LTW
Nov. 11 Arriving in Force
Tree Trimmers
Line Workers
A LOT of Poles!
Enough for a logging camp
Trimming tree on TE
Repair Fleet in front of
Removing pole stump
on LTW
Swinging new pole
into position
Setting Pole
Clearing Leaner on TE
Michigan crews
Nov 12 - Working on lines on LTW
Snow storm which struck
during power outage
New Cross Piece
Read about the Hurricane in a
Special Storm Edition of the MKL Newsletter
Charlie Priscu & John Murray
Cleanup at 11 Trail's End