Real Estate Tax Savings Information (December, 2011)

Special Meetings (April 27, 2011)
Meeting Notice
Overview of Finance Committee Proposal
Presentation of Proposal (Browser format)
 Presentation of Proposal (.ppt file, Powerpoint format)
Comprehensive Proxy/Ballot
Lakeshore Land-Conservation/Tax-Reduction Proxy/Ballot
Association Membership Proxy/Ballot
Association Dues Collection Proxy/Ballot
Lakeshore Dues Collection Proxy/Ballot
Minutes of Lakeshore Meeting
Minutes of Association Meeting

Finance Committee (FC) Charter

Outpost Meetings (Fall/Winter - 2009-2010)
Example Outpost Meeting Invitation
Presentation Given at Outpost Meetings
Summary of Outpost Meetings
Outpost Meetings - Notes of Individual Meetings

Inform Meeting (May 20, 2010)
Meeting Notice
Meeting Presentation (.ppt file, Powerpoint format)
Meeting Presentation (Browser format)
Meeting Minutes
Resident Comment

Straw Poll (June 15, 2010 - June 24, 2010)
Straw Poll Document
Questions and Answers Arising During the Straw Poll
Straw Poll Results Including Comments & FC Responses

Special Meeting (July 29, 2010)
Meeting Notice
Association Proxy/Ballot
Association ByLaws Changes
Lakeshore Proxy/Ballot
Lakeshore ByLaws Changes
Lists of Abated and Non-Abated Lots
Map of Abated and Non-Abated Lots

Sub Committee (SC) Meeting (11/3/2010)
Meeting Notice
Options Document
Meeting Minutes

Inform Session (January 28, 2011) - Held as Part of Annual Meeting
Meeting Notice
FC Update Letter (January, 2011)
ESC Letter Re Easements (.pdf file)
Inform Presentation
Minutes of Inform Session

Background Documents Developed/Used by Committee
MKL Property Turnover Rate
Membership Fee
Legal Advice on Reserve Fund Administration
Graphic of Lakeshore Real Estate Taxes
Table of Lakeshore Real EstateTaxes
Costs of Removing Dredge Spoils Offsite
Reversing Conservation Easements
Lot Value Review by MKL Real Estate Professionals

Minutes of Working Meetings of the Finance Committee
1/27/2009     3/23/2009    5/07/2009     6/15/2009,
7/01/2009     9/09/2009    1/18/2010     4/06/2010
4/15/2010     5/10/2010     6/29/2010    7/13/2010

NY Times Article on Reserve Funds
What an Association Board Does - Requirement to Maintain Reserves
2009-2011 Finance Committee (FC) Project