2019 Beach Cleanup and Boat ID

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I have scheduled our 2019 BEACH CLEANUP.  Kindly mark your calendar.  I would appreciate all the help I can get to ready the beach for a great 2019 swim season!  Please bring any equipment (rakes, wheelbarrows, wagons, tarps) that might be useful. You know the drill.  For those of you who have not participated in the past, please join us this year, as it turns out to be an enjoyable, fun community event! 

DATE: Saturday, May 11th TIME:  9:30 A.M. – 12:00 Noon

Coffee and donuts/bagels served at 9:00.  Lunch served at 12:00.

PLEASE NOTE:  I have inspected the beach and found a number of boats/kayaks filled with water.  Not only does this make it difficult for cleaning up the area, but it is also a health hazard having standing water which will create an odor as well as provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes, etc.   Since we all take pride in the appearance of our beautiful community, it is also unsightly to leave rarely used boats strewn all over the beach area.  

To correct this issue, I am requesting that each resident that owns a vessel or vessels, please visit the beach ASAP to make sure it is stored properly.  If you have equipment there which you do not use, let me know and I will label it as “available” for a resident to claim for their use on the day of beach cleanup. Otherwise, please remove it. We need to pass the town inspection in early May, so kindly take care of this by the end of April.   Any questions, call me 908-522-0229.

All boats must be labeled with your last name and registered.  Labels will be provided during beach cleanup.  This will help enable us to have better control over nonresidents coming into the community and using a boat without our knowledge, putting us at legal risk.  All boats not labeled and registered will be removed/discarded/given away, depending on the condition.  This includes boats stored at the fishing hole. 

The registration form is below.  Kindly drop it off in my mailbox at 10 Lake Trail West by the end of April.    

I wish to thank you in advance for your cooperation and hope this doesn’t inconvenience anyone, but I only wish to make the beach area one in which we can all take pride, and keep our lake safe.

Fred Luberto,  Beach and Docks Chairman  

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RESIDENT NAME (Please print clearly)   _____________________________



LOCATION – PLACE CHECK(S)      BEACH  (   )          FISHING HOLE   (   )

Note: Vessels should be stored inverted so they don’t fill with water and placed on one of the racks, if there is available space.     


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