MKL Water System Update – sent 14-Mar-2018

New Well

  • A new well will be drilled in the vacant lot above the tennis court parking lot.
  • It will be piped into pump house 1 which is next to the playground.
  • We are applying this week for NJ and Harding permits. Issuance of the permits may take several weeks.
  • Drilling should start as soon as the permits are issued.

Wells 2 and 3 on LTE

  • Both wells have been hyper-chlorinated
  • The heavily chlorinated water will be removed by a tanker truck shortly
  • Both wells will then be run for 48 hours (but not feeding into the water system) and then retested.
  • If either well passes the bacterial tests, we will discuss with the DEP re-connecting the respective well to the system. However, it is anticipated that the DEP would require a number of tests spread over time for well 2 where we have had a problem before we could re-connect this well. Consequently, it will be challenging to get DEP approval for re-connecting well 2.
  • The goal is to have three functioning wells if possible so the community would have two wells if problems should arrive in the future with a well.

Any questions can be addressed to Rick Barrett or Charlie Priscu.

The Lakeshore Company
Mount Kemble Lake Association

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