Chipper and other calendar updates

Dear Owners and Residents:
Due to all the debris left from the storm grounds trustee, Nick Stires, has arranged for a chipper to come on April 2nd or 3rd. Please pile sticks and small branches on the side of the road once the snow has melted (or mostly melted). They will not pick up trees that residents take down from their private properties or logs.
Dates: Chipper; – April 2nd or 3rd
          Road Clean up will be April 21st
          Beach Clean up will be May 12th
Parties: Wine Tasting – April 20/21/28 TBD
            Memorial Day – May 27th
            Country Club Annual Meeting & TGIF – June 22nd
            July 4th
The Lakeshore Company; Mount Kemble Lake Association
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